Opportunities for investment in minerals in Yemen

Investment Opportunities in Metallic Minerals in Yemen

There are information available that were the findings of researches, previous projects and and exploration activities and mining for minerals in Yemen. These indicate that significant minerals such as gold, lead, zinc, copper, silver, nickel, iron and titanium do exist in Yemen. Previous studies have shown that Yemen’s geological conditions and other relevant factors go in line with the ideal regional and international registered minerals models and standards. According to geological studies carried out in this regard, Yemen possesses great investment opportunities in minerals that were identified and discovered in several areas of Yemen; these include gold, copper, nickel, platinum, zinc, lead, iron,  titanium, tungsten, tin and radioactive elements along with other rare elements and minerals. What follows is a brief breakdown of the most important open opportunities:

1- Gold Mineralization

Gold is found associated with metallic mineral sediments such as copper, and arzenobrite in the form of crystals in veins of quartz available in the form of pressed lenses in metaphoric volcanic sedimentary rocks and in amphibolites rocks of the Precambrian basement rocks. Gold is found in volcanic Triassic rocks. The findings of exploratory studies covering geological and geochemical surveys have shown the availability of more than fifty gold sites. Most of which are as follows:

First: Open Investment Areas

Preliminary geological and geochemical studies on a number of mineral samples have given encouraging results supporting the presence of gold. Most of which include the following sub-districts and/or areas:

1-Rabak, Alnamsah, Al-Jawaf Governorate: 5.3 grams of gold / Ton

2- Al-Mattamah, Al-Jawaf Governorate: 5.4 grams of gold / ton.

3 – JabalSabrin, Al-Jawaf Governorate: 18 grams of gold / ton.

4 – Al Rayyan – Al Jouf Governorate: 4.6 g Gold / Ton.

5 –Haidan, Saqeen, Sa’adah Governorate: 7.3 grams of gold / ton.

6- Nawah, Ba’alan, Hajja Governorate: 4 grams of gold / ton.

7 –Bahra, HaribAlqarmeesh, Ma’erb Governorate: 16.5 grams of gold / ton

8- NajdAlmalaji, ShabwahGovernorate: 17 grams of gold / ton.

9 –Warqah, Dhamar Governorate: 120 ppb gold.

10 –A’ahem, Hajja, 75 grams of gold / ton

11 –Utmah, Dhamar Governorate: 3.2 grams of gold  / ton.

12- Alwaziyah, Taiz Governorate: 0.6 grams of gold / ton.

13 –Shatbah, A’byan: 35 grams of gold / ton.

Second: Awarded Areas:

1 –Alfaydh, Sa’adah Governorate: 11.7 grams / ton (Operator,Yemen Minerals Company) from April 2016

2 –Al-Harraqah, Hajja: 16 million tons; 1.65 grams / ton. The gold reserve at the surface is estimated at 40 million tons, which could be extracted within a depth of up to 100 meters with an estimation 1.55 grams of gold / ton ( Operator,Cantex, a Canadian Company).

3- WadiShars, Hajja: 2.5 grams of gold / ton( Operator, Thani Dubai MiningCompany)

4- WadiMedin, Hadhramout: 15 grams of gold / ton (( Operator, Thani Dubai MiningCompany)

5 –BulikWadiMour, Hajja Governorate: 20-170 grams / ton (operator, Yemeni A’lamar Company Alamar, since 2012)

6 –BulikWadiValley La’ah, Hajja Governorate, 20-30 grams of gold / ton (Operator, Yemeni WekfiksInsan Company, since 2014)

7- Asabah, Al-Bayda Governorate, 1.3 grams of gold / ton (Operator, Yemeni WekfiksInsan Company, since 2012)

8- BulikJabalRass, copper 3%; 0.62 gramsof gold / ton (Operator, Al-Hatha’a Company, since 2012

  1. Zinc and Lead Mineralization

Zinc and lead mineralization in Yemen is found in the Jurassic limestone rocks in A’mran connected with Remlet Al-Sabatayn basin in the form of faults and pockets of dolomite rocks. These are also found in Paleocene lime stone and dolomites. What follows is a list of the sites where zinc and lead minerals are found; these are as follows:

First: Open Investment Areas

Preliminary exploration geological and geochemical studies on a number of mineral samples have given encouraging results supporting the presence of zinc, copper and silver. Most of which include the following sub-districts and/or areas:

1- Dhaibayen Area: 16% zinc ( open area

2- BerranAlkawel, Sana’a: 16.5% Zinc;  6.5% lead.

3 –Hailan, Maerb Governorate: 4.5% zinc; 4 grams of silver / ton.

4- Jerdan, Shabwah Governorate: 0.3% zinc; 1% lead.

5 –Tabaq, JabelAljibaal, Shabwah governorate: 12% zinc; 3.8% lead.

6. Yaba’ath, Shabwah Governorate: 4.8% Zinc.

7- Rumah Area: 7% zinc ( open area)

8- A’raqah, ShabwahGovernorate: 792 ppm of Zinc.

9- RessSharween, Hadhramout Governorate: 1% Zinc; 6.2% Lead.

10 – WadiMasila, Hadhramout: 8% Zinc; 12% lead.

Second: Awarded Areas:

1) JablSalb, Sana’a Govenorate: 12.6 million tons with a concentration of 9% zinc and 1.2% lead; 68 grams of silver / ton (Operator, JablSalb Company, Ltd. )

  1. Copper, Nickel and Cobalt Mineralization

Copper, nickel and cobalt spread in Precambrian basement rocks. Mining exploration was confined to reconnaissance works of wide nature and on Precambrian rocks (metaphoric rocks and intervening rocks) which indicating the availability of arcs forming a belt of volcanic sedimentary rocks. These sedimentary rocks have implications of the existence of a suitable environment for the hosting of copper, nickel and cobalt.

What follows is a list of the most important sites having these minerals:

First: Open Investment Areas

Preliminary exploration geological and geochemical studies on a number of mineral samples have given encouraging results supporting the presence of nickel and copper. Most of which include the following sub-districts and/or areas:

1 – WadiMa’aber,  Sa’adah Governorate: 0.3 ppm of palladium.

2 – WadiSalbh, Al Jawaf Governorate: 1.7% copper and 4.7% Chrome.

3 – WadiSariyan, Qaifah, Al-Bayda Governorate: 3.4% copper; 1.3 ppb of palladiumand  61 ppb of platinum.

4- Al-Zahr, Al-Bayda Governorate: 2.32% copper; 16.6 grams of silver / ton.

5 –Al-Ghadeer, ShabwahGovernorate: 1.5 ppm of platinum; 1.3% Chrome.

6- Al Qabaitah,  Taiz Governorate: 140ppb of palladium; 87 ppb of platinum.

7- Qattgah, Hajja Governorate: 0.8% nickel;  0.3% copper.

8. Siwar, Amran: 1.4% nickel and 0.9% copper.

9 –Ghabr, Hadhramout Governorate: 1.2% copper

Second: Awarded Areas:

1. Al-Massna’ah, Sa’adah Govenorate: 1.21% Copper and 7.65% Nickel.

2- Al-Fathhah, Bayhan, Al-BaydaGovenrate: 4% copper; 1.5% Nickel ( Operator Yemeni WekfiksInsan Company)

3- Al Hamourah: 4 million tons with a concentration of 60% copper; 0.4% Nickel (Anmar Company since 2010)

4- JablAlmaidan: 3.4% Copper ; 10.5% Nickel (Yemeni WekfiksInsan Company)

4. Rare Earth Elements, Albayda Governorate

Important mineralization of rare earth elements exists in the Republic of Yemen. such elements are formed in carbonate and pigmentite rocks as part of the basement rocks at the pre-Cambrian age. These elements are found in areas such as Lawdr, AlbaydaGovernorate, Nisab,Meraboun, Shabwah Governorate, andSobb-Brahah, A’bayan Governorate. They are found in granite formations ofthe Triassic Period in Malhan, AlmawhweetGovernorate. What follows is a list of the most important sites having these minerals:-

First: Open Investment Areas

Preliminary exploration geological and geochemical studies on a number of mineral samples have given encouraging results supporting the presence of rare earth elements. Most of which include the following sub-districts and/or areas:

1 –Kitaf, Sa’adah Governorate: 140,000 ppm of Tantalium.

2 –Maybyan, WadiLa’ah, Hajja Governorate 1500 ppm of tantalium; 7400 ppm of Tungsten.

3 –Malhan Mount, MahweetGovenorate: 130- 290 ppm of Tantluim; 13,000 ppm of cesium.

4- Sabib, Barhah, A’byan Governorate: 0.001 – 0.12%Tantalium, and .010- 0.85 % Newbium.

5 – Lawdr, A’byan Governorate: 27.7 thousand tons; its concentration is 3.8% of  Tr2O3; 14.5% of BE. There are also 100-120 thousand tons of Tr2O3, and 10 thousand tons of Nb2O5.

U 0.34% Ta < 8 ppm  Nb430ppm  Sc<10ppm  V 424ppm

Second: Awarded Areas:

Nesab and Mujab areas, Shabwah Governorate: 30-40 thousand tons of Nb2O5; and 30-40 thousand tons of Tr2O3. There are good indicators showing the existence of quantities ranging from 10.0 to 13.0% of Niobiumand  0.005- 0.01% of Tantalium in Nesab area. In Mujab, the percentage of Tantalium ranges between .020 .- 05.0%.andand 010 .- 0.02% for Newbium. Yet, the operating company left the area which is now  open for investment

5-  Iron and Titanium Mineralization

Iron mineralization took place in Sa’adah area over ancient geological eras. In general, iron is found in intermediate volcanic rocks of marine origin and various concentrations and intervened with marble rocks. It is also found associated with grained diorite in the form of lenses and intermingled with basement and upper basement rock structures. What follows is a list of the sites where iron and titanium are found; these are as follows:

First: Open Investment Areas

Preliminary exploration geological and geochemical studies on a number of mineral samples have given encouraging results supporting the presence of iron and titanium. Most of which include the following sub-districts and/or areas:

1 – JabalAblah, Sa’adah Governorate: 940 thousand tons with a concentration of 34% iron and 11% Manganese.

2 – JabalHummar Al Dhalla’a Governorate: 2.1 billion tons; 33.8% iron and 8.8% titanium oxide.

3. Mukairas, Al-Bayda Governorate: 130 million tons of iron ore with a concentration of 15.5%; 46 million tons of titanium oxide with a concentration of 5.3% ;27 million tons of phosphate with a concentration of 3.14%.

4- Alray, Albayda Governorate: 2.1 million tons of iron oxide with a concentration ranging between of 35.6 – 49.8%.

5 –Almora, Upper Yafa’e, Lahj Governorate: 22.6% iron oxide and 8.3% titanium oxide.

6. Yathbeb, Abyan Governorate: 35.5% iron oxide; 7.8% titanium oxide; and 4.7% phosphorus oxide.

7 –Alsouq, Thaltha’ah, Lahj Governorate: 28% iron oxide and 4.4% titanium oxide.

8. JabalMounif, Lahj Governorate: 16% Iron Oxide, 7.5% Titanium Oxide, and 5% Phosphorus Oxide.

9 –Alantari, Alfurshah, Lahj Govenorate: 8.7 million tons; 27% iron oxide and 5.5% titanium oxide.

10 –Sebah, Albayda: 800 thousand tons of iron oxide, with a concentration of 74%.

Second: Areas granted:

1- Althuniah, Ma’erb: 75.9%Fe2o3 Iron Oxide (operator, Yemen Iron Steel Company)

2- Haloul District, Al Majl, A’bayan Governorate: 46 thousand tons, 68% Iron oxide (operator, the National Cement Company)

6 – Tin and Tungsten mineralization

Tin and tungsten mineralization could found in Yemen in the granite rocks affliated to the tectonic movements. They are found within the basement rocks formed in the pre-Cambrian Period. They are found in QahlahMount in Saada Governorate. Tungsten portion ranges from 400 to 1035 grams / ton with 690 ppm of tin, 1100 ppm of nopium and 600 ppm of Tantalium. Tin and tungsten mineralization is found within theTriassic granite rocks in the JabalAl Saadi, Nehm, Sana’a Governorate. Tungsten reaches 268 grams / ton while tin is 294 ppm.

7 –Radioactive Elements Mineralization

Uranium is present in Ahwar Area, Abayan Governorate. It exists within sandstones formed in the Cretaceous Era. Uranium formation seems like lenses in the iron-formed sandstone. Such deposits having six lenses with an average thickness of 1.43 m, they have a length ranging between 150 – 800m. Studies have shown that the proportion of uranium range from 0.042 to 0.343%. Moreover, indicators of the existence of uranium and thorium were identified in the iron conglomerates within Wajeed sandstone in areas such Wadi Marwan, WadiNashour and WadiAqwan in Sa’adah Governorate. In these areas, radiation measurements ranged from 100cps to 1,600 cps in the conglomerates.Uranium percentage ranges between 0.00-0.076.1. Encouraging indicators have determined the presence of uranium and thoriumin pegmatite rocks formed in areas in Juban, Al-Dhala’aGovernorate. The results of chemical tests have shown that ratios account for up to 1300 ppm for uranium and 1800 ppm for thorium. Other good indicators supporting the presence of uranium and thorium are found in the in the pegmatiterocks formed in Alshawafah area, Haifan, Taiz Governorate. The results of chemical tests have shown that ratios account for up to 2700 ppm for uranium and 1600 ppm for thorium. Other indicators have shown that thorium portion could reach 2730 ppm.
