Duties and Responsibilities:
The Ministry of Oil and Minerals aims at managing and developing the oil, gas and mineralswealth sectorsin accordance with the stipulation of the Constitution, relevant laws, economic and social development plans and the related applicable decisions and decrees
In order to achieve its main objective, MOM commits itself to undertake the following duties and tasks:
1. Developing and drafting strategies, policies and general plans geared for managing, bettering and enhancing the oil, gas and minerals wealth sectors as well as encouraging investment in these sectors along with organizing and coordinating implementation control processes.
2. Doing economic and technical studies on oil, gas and mineralsreservoirs.
3. Developing policies and trends pertaining to the process of marketing and exporting crude oil, gas, minerals, quarries products and construction and industrial rocks.
4. Developing and implementing relevant strategic plans in order to save sufficient oil derivatives reserves in coordination with relevant agencies and entities.
5. Making and implementingstudies on how to meet the local market needs oil products and basic raw materials.
6. Renewing the requirements for oil and gas industry, minerals and quarries to be fulfilled by industrial structures and other relevant affiliated facilities.
7. Negotiating with other parties the possibility concluding agreements conducive for oil, and gas exploration, production and development as well as exploitation of minerals and quarry ores wealth.
8. Issuing licenses, permits and concluding contracts with regards to quarry and mineral resources exploitation and production in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
9. Drafting and formulating systems, bylaws and regulations pertaining to governing oil and minerals operations standards and levels and relevant auxiliary services as well as the process of technically supervising and classifying operators in such fields. This is done in compliance with international oil and mineral industry norms. It is also for the sake of saving and maintaining Yemen’s oil and mineral wealth, protecting the environment and ensuring that such relevant operations are safe, secure and efficient.
10.Develop and set standards, procedures and rules to ensure that only skilled and highly experienced companies selected are capable of doing exploration and/or investment in the oil, gas and minerals sectors and that they have the financial and technical capabilities and potentials to carry out such activities.
11. Carry out the technical, financial and legal monitoring and control of operating companies’ work when they do exploration and investment activities in the oil and mineral wealth sectors in the Republic of Yemen. This is carried out as per the terms and provisions of the applicable agreements and contracts and the stipulations of the licenses granted to these companies. This is also for the sake of facilitating their work while carrying out their assigned operations and duties.
12. Setting up and implementing an information system for its activities in coordination with respective agencies and bodies. This is in order to insert, store and document relevant data, legal and technical documents, agreements and studies on oil and gas exploration and production as well as extraction and exploitation of and minerals and quarry raw materials.
13. . Conducting practical and technical studies and researches in oil industry and its techniques. Research must also be conducted to find out the international and regional trends of oil-based economies. This is in order for MOM to benefit from such researches and studies and thus, improve the management of its own work and the work of its relevant affiliates.
14. Improving its services and carrying out studies and researches and updating technical information in order to develop its resources and improve its affiliated entities and units so as to promote its investment activities.
15. Setting action plans and programs to substitute foreign employees with Yemeni ones in management and supervision posts and other specialized, technical and administrative positions in accordance with the applicable agreements and contracts and the policies established in this respect.
16. Designing and implementing training programs aiming at preparing experts and specialists to hold oil, gas and minerals posts and occupations and professions.
17. Founding training institutes, centers and units in order to better and develop administrative, technical and professional skills of workers in the oil, gas and minerals sectors.
18. Suggesting specific systems and regulations to govern some professions in industrial operations pertaining to oil, gas and minerals. The nature of such operations and consequent risks along with relevant factors must be taken in to account with regards to the working environment.
19. Applying social security and health care systems and occupational safety systems for workers carrying out its work and various activities.
20. Exchanging relevant information to its work and duties with other ministries and agencies.
21. Improving and developing its relationships with international bodies and organizations and institutes specialized in the field of its activity and work.
22. Executing any assignments, duties, tasks and /or responsibilities allocated to MOM based on the nature of its work and/or as stipulated by relevant applicable laws, regulations and decisions.